Reorder Pages
There are two ways to access the reorder pages tool. If you have already opened the PDF file, please click the button “Click to reorder pages” in the top toolbar. If not, you can click the menu item “Reorder” on the left main menu panel. It will ask you to pick the PDF file you would like to work on, and open it in the reorder pages tool.
When you are in the reorder tool, a message box pops up reminding you that you are doing reordering operation now. Just click the button “OK” to close it. Now you see all your pages as thumbnails. You can drag and drop one page to the place you would like it to be, and you can also select one or multiple pages and click “Clear Files” to remove them. After you are satisfied with the result, click the button “Commit Changes”. Then click the left arrow sign at the top left corner to go back to PDF viewer. Now you can view your new PDF file with pages reordered. Note: don’t forget to save the new PDF file by clicking “Save as”. Otherwise, you will lose all the changes.
Convert PDF to Images
Once you have a PDF file open in Real PDF Editor, you can convert it to standard image formats including TIFF, BMP, PNG, JPEG and GIF. In the left main menu panel, you click the menu item “Export”, then the export options toolbar will show up at the top of the PDF viewer. Choose the image format that you would like you PDF file be converted to, and click the button “Export To…”, a window will popup to ask for a file name. You fill in the file name and the conversion will be done.